by Nikki Pierzchalla
I first joined the club back in 2010 after meeting two of the members at a workshop at the former Wedgwood Memorial College. They were so friendly, helpful and willing to share knowledge. Those two members are still part of our group and the Club remains as ever; inclusive, friendly and fun.

I started with a very basic bridge camera and took images using full automatic. I now have a 70D and 6D Canon and shoot mainly in manual. I still remain a very amateur photographer but I enjoy all aspects of this hobby. Very recently I have set myself a new 365 challenge to learn something new every day in order to develop further.
Originally photography was a way for me to escape and a reason to go out to beautiful places. Over time it has made me the view the natural world (and much else) very differently and to look more closely at the world around us; there is so much beauty in the ordinary.