Rave On

Rave On

Posted by Glyn Wade Years ago Beech Caves used to be taken over for raves which has resulted in them being covered inside with colourful graffitti and even more colourful language. The first part of last night’s trip was our attempt to recreate one of those...
Lighting for Portraits

Lighting for Portraits

Posted by Glyn Wade Always popular and much requested are nights on lighting for portraits, so when Richard offered to do a two night special on the subject we snatched his hand off. Not literally of course-he does have to reach up and put the screen up after all....
Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

Posted by Glyn Wade Whenever I ask members what they’d like us to cover on club nights the top choice has always been macro. We’ve covered it before but it remains a fascinating subject and that is maybe because it isn’t easy. It feels like a...