by Willfield Camera Club | Oct 4, 2013 | Articles, Editing Software
Posted by Glyn Wade When we search on the internet, we Google, when we vacuum the house we Hoover and now, seemingly, when we manipulate our images on our computers we Photoshop them. Now you don’t need me to tell you that there are other search providers but somehow...
by Willfield Camera Club | Oct 1, 2013 | Articles, Editing Software, Tutition
Posted by Claire Wade Adobe Photoshop and indeed, Elements, are such large programs that I’ll bet not many people know what the software is completely capable of. Do you ever look at some of the tools and wonder what exactly are you meant to do with them?...
by Willfield Camera Club | Sep 25, 2013 | Articles, Editing Software, Tutition
Posted by Claire Wade During our last ‘Ask the Panel’ night, one question posed was “In editing software, what’s the difference between Canvas size and Image Size?’ A good question that the panel managed to answer without having any images to demonstrate the result....
by Willfield Camera Club | Aug 26, 2013 | Articles, Editing Software, Tutorials
Posted by Claire Wade In this article I’d like to demonstrate how to colour pop in Adobe Elements. If you don’t know what colour popping is, it means making one part of your image black and white, with an area of it remaining in colour so that it stands...
by Willfield Camera Club | Aug 18, 2013 | Articles, Editing Software, Tutorials
Posted by Claire Wade Here’s a photo of a train I took and it’s OK, but it could be a lot better. I’m using a train photo this time as a cat photo is always already perfect!! 😉 So here’s the photo, it’s looking a bit pale and dull: 1. I...