About Us

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Welcome to Potteries Photography Club

About us: Willfield Camera Club Unlike many camera clubs, Potteries Photography Club (PPC) is not all about competitions. Hopefully this means that beginners and novices will feel more welcome and less shy about showing their photos and asking for feedback. We like to encourage an atmosphere of sharing the knowledge and techniques, whilst having fun! At the same time, we do like to keep a good mix of presentations, practical sessions and trips out to keep it fresh and interesting for professional and new photographers alike.

We are members of the Midland Counties Photographic Federation (MCPF) whose chief aim is to assist Clubs/Societies to provide adequate programmes of interest and instruction for their members through the judges and lecturers.

About us: Willfield Camera ClubWe do have ‘Photo of the Month‘ which is a chance for all members to submit two of their favourite photos, taken at any time, just so long as it is their own work. This is not supposed to be particularly competitive, but a chance for people to show their photos for other members to pick their five favourites. The photos are displayed anonymously on Flickr, with all exif data stripped out, so no one knows who took each one – although once you get to know each other’s styles, it is fun trying to guess! We also show the top five photos as a slideshow at the club once a month. The monthly Top 5 chosen images are added to the website, just for kudos, no prizes. It is interesting to note that the voting is extremely varied and most photos usually get at least one vote, so it’s always worth entering! It’s all down to personal and individual taste. for information on entering or voting for POTM, please click here.

About us: Willfield Camera ClubFor those who are interested in taking part in competitions there still is the option to do this within the club, but it does not take over the general Club activities.

Open every Thursday 7-9pm (except Christmas, please see diary)

Open to everyone over the age of 14 interested in photography at any level.

During the summer months, we have also have trips out as well as nights in at the club, please see the Diary page for more information. We have a variety of equipment including two sets of studio lights, back drops, a laptop and projector.
