Posted by Glyn Wade

Claire and I had completed a photography course at the Burslem campus of Stoke-on-Trent College and were looking at ways of continuing our hobby in a sociable atmosphere without the pressure of assignments and an overabundance of studio photography.

So we started, along with other college colleagues, looking at local camera clubs.

We had a very interesting night out with a very welcoming Stoke Camera Club when they were visiting the local CCTV control room. We spent some time with them looking at what was happening live around the city and everyone was really friendly. But, they were about to close for the summer and we were about ready to get going and, not wanting to wait, we looked elsewhere.

We had a night at Tunstall Camera Club and they again made us feel very welcome….well, Martin who came with us made himself too welcome and managed to construct a six inch pile of biscuits in front of him which he then consumed. If he ever comes back to Willfield we’ll have to keep an eye on him! Sorry Tunstall!

We then tried out Willfield where Andy Pickford was doing a photography quiz on our first night. He made it interesting, entertaining and informative and we were hooked….and not just because we actually got some answers correct either! Everyone was very welcoming again, especially Pam, the then Membership secretary and Bill with his inimitable sense of humour, as he had my current role of Secretary at the time.

Willfield continued all year round and had a great mix of things covered on a Thursday night. There are still quite a few of us at Willfield that went to college together and others that say they’re going to come or come back….including the aforementioned Martin….I’ll warn you to keep an eye on the biscuits if he does come back!

The mixture of activities, talks and member presentations have kept us at Willfield, but it is the members who attend that make it most worthwhile; a wonderful bunch of people who share knowledge and have a laugh whilst sharing in this wonderful hobby (or work) of photography.

Anyone else want to throw their tuppence worth in?