Posted by Claire Wade

On Thursday 17th April, along with her mum, Dawn and partner, Ian, Hayley brought in a selection of animals and photographs for club members to photograph.

Photo by Richard Amor Allan

Photo by Richard Amor Allan

Hayley and Dawn have a reptile shop in Stoke, HD Reptiles ( and were not only able to bring in a wide variety of animals, but also shared a wealth of knowledge about them.

The club opened a second room, and we had 2-3 set ups, with backgrounds and lighting. Hayley also brought in various props including logs and grass which helped the animals give good poses with natural  backgrounds.

The animals that Hayley brought included a variety of snakes, a gecko, two tortoises, a skunk and some spider skins! I look forward to Thursday 22nd May when the Club is invited to her shop to see even more animals.

The photos below I’ve taken from the Club’s facebook page, if any more members would like to add their photos, please email them to me at