Posted by Glyn Wade

Previously I told you all about the club’s executive committee and now I will tell you about the planning committee of Willfield Camera Club.

This committee is voluntary and meets three or four times a year to plan the club events for Thursday nights which is, as I’m sure you can imagine, no easy task. The club is a varied one with members of all abilities, with different cameras, there are those that use photo manipulation software and those that hate it (and that’s before we even start on different kinds of software!), there are those that are quite happy to listen and those that want to be up and about…there are those….well you get the picture.

There is the weather to contend with for our trips out which mean a back-up plan is necessary and indeed we now have back-up plans for nights in so we can cover different subjects. There is the fact that most things have probably been covered before and that members can be a bit shy about volunteering to get up at the front.

You may think it a bit of a pain to put your ideas down for what you want to do at the club but it really does help and enables the committee to tailor activities to the members. If you have any more ideas or suggestions please do let me know.

So who is on this committee? Well there’s Phil, me, Claire, Tony, John G, Richard, Yolanda, Dave C and Stephen has threatened to turn up to the next one. How many should be on the committee? No-one seems to know! So, if you’re interested please do let me know and come along to the next meeting on March 19th where the next four months will hopefully be planned out. We meet at the Weston Coyney Arms at 7pm and there’s lots of head scratching and scribbling going on!

It ain’t easy but someone has to do it!