Painting with Light at Park Hall
Painting with Light at Park Hall
Maybe with some snow... Wrap up warm, wear sturdy footwear and don't forget your tripods as we wave things around again! Enter by Bolton Gate and head down to the lake.
Maybe with some snow... Wrap up warm, wear sturdy footwear and don't forget your tripods as we wave things around again! Enter by Bolton Gate and head down to the lake.
Another new guest speaker, Ian's presentation tonight will be: Being Freelance life as a professional photographer As a freelance photographer, Ian discusses the wide variety of work that he undertakes. The approach to his work can just as easily be used by the ametuer photographer, which in many cases involves concentrating on the creation of the […]
We have the big room and the chance to do some portraits as we shoot each other again. Get some inspiration and ideas and then come along with whatever you need to get the results you desire. As always people will work together to help because that's what we do. Remember Picko's presentation on portraits […]
Yes!! Martin has kindly deigned to join us again and this time he will be talking about his trip to Costa Rica. This is somewhere I keep look at going so this may turn out to be an expensive night for Claire and I! Martin always has some fine stories to tell, shows some amazing […]
Martin kindly volunteered to do his own version of Nikki's inspiring talk-first by accident and then for reals! Who knows where we will end up tonight but it is sure to be entertaining!