Willfield during Lockdown

When lockdown first began in March 2020, none of us had any idea what would happen and the Willfield Camera Club Committee had to close the club. Little did we know how long it would last and so we waited for things to return to normal to re-open.

However, as the months passed, members were missing the social gatherings and losing their mojos as they struggled to get inspired when stuck at home for most of the time. So it was decided that we would start online gatherings and have been using Microsoft Teams. This has been fairly fluid towards the end of 2020, but this year we had a mini planning committee to see how we could keep the online meetings interesting and varied.

Please click here to see the updated club diary of online meetings.

All members are most welcome. If you are not a member but would like to join us, please click here to contact us and request that you are added to our mailing list.

You can join online within your web browser or download the Teams App which is available for mobile and tablet. It is not necessary to use a camera or microphone and you can simply listen and watch if you prefer. There is also a chat function should you wish to type your messages.

Alternatively you join us on Facebook, click here to see our Facebook Group.